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In today’s strategy for marketing, there are a plethora of avenues one can use to promote his or her brand. #iwiWebSolutions has brought you a list of SEVEN essential informative tips to build your event presence.

1. Entice newcomers by posting flyers and giving out physical information about the event.

Placing fliers and posters around town before the event will get people to remember your brand. It’s a cumulative effect, so keep putting them up. It will grow your audience over time. (It goes from “Who are these guys?” to “I’ve heard of them before…”) Make sure that your posters or postcards are printed with all the necessary information about your event.

2. Broadcast the event on all of your web presence and platforms.

Broadcast the event on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Vine, Personal Website, and all of your other web platforms. This is another place where it’s a cumulative effect, so even if not everyone attends, seeing that you are attending a fun event time after time will increase your chances of bringing them out.

3. Send out the information to your mailing list and set up a mailing list at the event.

Your mailing list fans have already wanted to hear about your brand, don’t forget to tell them about your events and fun happenings. Also, when you are at the venue, make sure to have a device set up to be able to receive new emails. Then when the time comes to run a special or deal, BOOM, you have new potential consumers.

 4. Give the event venue some of your brand’s products plus some extras to give out during the event.

Provide the venue or event with some SWAG (Stuff We All Get) for potential consumers and event-goers.  This will provide an added element to entice the potential goer to utilize and remember your brand.

5. If you mail out postcards, give them a value.

Sending out mail can be great, but the #GIANT postcard during an event is even better. People are much less likely to throw away a flier if it has some value and more likely to attend. Our GIANT postcards make it very difficult for potential consumers to throw away, and that is why we recommend using them for live events.

6. Draw an untapped audience from engaging out in the field.

If you are marketing your business at a venue located in a busy city, there is a good chance that people walking down the street or general location will want to come to check out what is going on. Have some business partners or employees stand in front to hand out your flyers or postcards and invite people to attend the event. If you can offer them a deal or contest, they will be more likely to participate in.

7. Set a contest to promote more traffic to the event.

Giving away tickets through a radio/tv station or social media platforms will introduce you to all of the events existing goers, and a contest naturally interests people because everyone likes to win something.

We hope these tips have enticed you to get out there and get to work! We hope to see you out on the field!