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We already answered some of the most asked questions about Twitter, and now we want to give you our top 5 exclusive tips and tricks for taking your business to the next level on Twitter.

#1: Keep Your Tweet Short and Sweet

Keep in mind that people who are checking their Twitter accounts are usually scanning through just a few top Tweets in their news feed, and let’s face it, attention spans are on the decline. So, the question is, how do you hook future customers for a click? Try using Tweets as a headline. If you cannot think of a catchy title, try quoting from the actual article instead.

#2: Make it Interesting

Make sure that you base your content on interesting and intriguing information so your customers will want to stay updated and “follow” you just about anywhere. Always be on the lookout for fresh and exciting news so that you might be the first one that delivers that news to your followers, which makes you appear to have first dibs on the best content out there.  Get to know your audience and write about what you think they would enjoy reading.

#3: Let a Picture Do the Talking

Use a colorful/attention-grabbing graphic in your content. Do you want to stand out on the Twitter news feed? Of course, you do. We’ve got one word: Picture! Not everyone uses them, but they should. No, we aren’t talking about selfies…  We are talking attention-getting graphics that reach out and grab those Twitter skimmers and tell them to “stop, look, and listen” to you and your brand.

#4: Utilize the Right #Hashtags

Check hashtags before you use them and make sure to do your research on the best option for your next Tweet. Helping you find that perfect hashtag is a snap with these fantastic tools so you can grab the attention of your audience.

  •  Hashtag analytics report on how that specific hashtag has done in the past 24 hours and also estimates how well the hashtag will do in future hours based off of its past 24-hour performance.
  • TagboardThis fantastic website helps you search for potential keywords or hashtags and tell how well it’s currently doing. Tagboard also lists a few of the top recent Tweets featuring that keyword, including pictures and the full content of that Tweet.
  • This site helps you search the top 10 trending Twitter hashtags by using keyword definition. Hashtagify also displays top recent Tweets by keyword, and enables you to find a related keyword based on the one that you were searching for – Just in case you need a backup, right?

#5: Find the Best Time to Tweet

Good news! Finding a formula for your business doesn’t have to be rocket science. There are fantastic analytics tools out there that help you, and your company finds out when your customers are online with no stalking required! Social media reports can be conducted to collect data to find the prime time that your customers are usually online, Tweeting, and interacting on their accounts. This data will reveal the “prime time” that YOU need to be online, Tweeting, and interacting on your account. Social media reports can also tell you what days are more active during the week, which in turn, shows you what days YOUR company should be more productive and attentive on your Twitter account as well. When you Tweet at the prime times for your audience, you get the most out of your post!

Looking for the perfect Social Media Marketing (SMM) tool to help with your company’s analytics needs? You can try a quick search for “Twitter Analytics Tools” or check out a few of these excellent links below:

  • SocialBro: With a ‘Best Time to Tweet’ report by SocialBro, a free account will run an analytics report based on your top 100 followers to help you get the right idea. This report will also suggest the best time to Tweet to your audience, give you the rundown on the latest hot keywords and hashtags, and provide you with visual charts on where the majority of your followers are located in the World Wide Web. Why should you know this? Because this information will assist you in selecting the right content to share at the right time for your audience.
  • Hootsuite:  Social Media Reports have never been easier than with a Hootsuite Analytics Report. These quick and easy statistics are pulled from previous account history. These reports now show which of your Tweets were most retweeted and mentioned in the past. This feature helps you gauge a better time to Tweet in the future, and you can also view a graph displaying the detailed summary of how well each of your Tweets did from your account.  This is one app that is not just for the birds… get it? Hootsuite also has a fantastic little feature called “Auto schedule, this option will help you select a time, based on the results of your past Tweet history’s peak performance, and “auto schedules” them for that time in the future.
  • TwitonomyIt’s not just fun to say, it’s pretty helpful too! Twitonomy helps you create a detailed and visual analytics report on anyone’s Tweets, retweets, replies, mentions, and hashtags. It can also help you monitor your interactions with other Twitter users like mentions, retweets, and favorites as well as get actionable insights on your followers with the Followers Report, to name a few.
  • BufferBuffer helps you schedule and track the analytics of your Twitter content. You can also schedule upcoming Tweets and get some great suggestions on future content and updates.

Hopefully, these tools will help you always know WHEN to send out that excellent content that you have been just itching to share! After all, what good is a Tweet if no one is online to read it?

If you follow these necessary steps to socializing Twitter-style, you will be well on your way to effective social media success one Tweet at a time. Don’t forget to Tweet us @iwiwebsolutions about your travels through the Twitter universe!

Got more tips or tricks?